My Top 10 albums of 2011
Kategori: Misc.
The Project Hate MCMXCIX - Bleeding The New Apocalypse (Cum Victriciis In Manibus Armis)

If you've ever heard Project Hate then you simply won't be disappointed by this album. It's very solid, and just what you want it to be pretty much.
Crimfall - The Writ Of Sword

At first I wasn't that impressed by this album, it felt like I had heard it all before all ready... but the more I listen to it the better I like it. It actually has some really nice riffing going on and it keeps growing on me!
Lock Up - Necropolis Transparent

The elite of Grindcore in one band... it just can't go wrong. And then you look at the guests! Tägtgren and Walker? It just gets better!
Suidakra - Book Of Dowth

Surprise of the year for me! I went to see them in the spring when they played with Onslaught and didn't expect much as I mentioned in my review of that show. But instead I got this band that had evolved a lot from the last time I heard them, and this is true for the album as well! Very cool melodies going on here!
Taake - Noregs Vaapen

Simply put this is the best Black Metal out of Norway that I've heard in years. Not only does it have that special atmosphere that really good Black Metal does, but it's also very innovative. Have you heard banjo in Black Metal before? I think not. And it still fits the style. Awesome album all around!
Vader - Welcome To The Morbid Reich

Another really solid release by Polish masters! I really enjoy these songs, they have some awesome riffs going on and the songs sound amazing live as well. And of course they get lots of bonus for actually managing to play Imperial March on there...
Decapitated - Carnival is Forever

More Poland! And despite the title-track of Vaders album THIS is the Polish return I've been waiting for for a long time! Krimh on the drums is simply amazing! And Vogg keeps putting out insane riffs that no-one else can play. I'm not so huge on the new singer (too screamish I think), but the music is all I could ask for!
Morbus Chron - Sleepers in the Rift

I saw these guys a few years back when they were still unsigned and thought they were kind of cool back then all ready. Then I randomly stumbled upon their first full length in a record store, so I immediately bought it. And wow. Mind blown. This kind of high quality oldschool Death Metal is so rarely made these days, so when something like this comes along... just wow. This is Entombed in the 90's come back to life! And I wasn't too surprised to find that Nicke Andersson was producing and mixing the album... Very, very good album indeed! And an awesome cover as well!
Maim - Deceased To Exist

Like I wrote above the oldschool style of Death Metal is so rare these days... so it was a big surprise to find not one, but TWO amazing albums in this genre released this year! While Morbus Chron sounds a lot like Entombed I think that Maim has more of a sound of their own. It's obviously oldschool Stockholm style, but it's also obviously Maim. Really love their slow breakdowns and adding in the horror movie style of atmosphere... pure awesome!
Obscura - Omnivium

Technical Death Metal, with loads of melody and emotion cool lyrics and the whole package. That's what I really love about Death... erm, I mean Obscura. But that's the thing, I think that Obscura really has the spirit of Death in their music and I'm a huge fan of Death and thus I love this album! They manage to really hold on to the same way of keeping in style while still breaking boundaries without loosing touch or identity. Just like Death. Simply amazing.